Sagging Skin, Holistic Approach
Sagging Skin, Overstretched Life
I have recently listened to a presentation by a skin expert, and Chinese medicine practitioner on how an overstretched daily life can show up on the face. Facial sagging is the manifestation of the expression of ‘spreading thin’.
Another underlying component of facial sagging in my experience is anxious thoughts. Anxious thoughts mean either living in the past, replaying some traumas, or projecting worries and fears into the future. Anxious thinking does not necessarily happen at a very conscious level. It is like an underlying current in the day-to-day, or simply a lack of joy or inspiration.
I find knowing about these is so important. Sagging skin is an issue for so many people, the facial industry is fully packed to mask these imbalances. However, by our face being in direct communication with our whole being, what would be the outcome if all internal calls were masked by a simple outer procedure? Would our being stop crying?
I find the holistic approach so unique in bringing face and being into harmony. Through this approach, we can be sure, that the whole signalling system will be realigned, and that the face will show the harmony and vibrant quality of our whole being.